Day 1 – Dublin

We made it to Dublin fine, but didn’t get much sleep on the plane. We took a taxi to our hotel and thankfully were able to check into one of our rooms early.

After we dropped our bags off, we set off for Phoenix Park. The weather is perfect — sunny and warm, and the park is huge!

Phoenix Park

After strolling a bit in the park, we decided to walk 1.5 miles to The Brazen Head – Ireland’s oldest pub for some lunch.

The Brazen Head

After lunch, we took a quick (terrifying) cab ride back to the hotel. It was after 1:00pm, but our second room wasn’t quite ready, yet. That was inconvenient, because we all wanted a nap.

Nap Time

Truth be told, Michael was totally sleeping while we staged that photo. ?

After a short nap, Karen and Jeff got our second room to take another more comfortable short nap. However, that accidentally turned into a long nap until 7:15. Oops. We decided to grab dinner at the hotel restaurant and have a big day tomorrow exploring Dublin.